“Sexuality is a Spiritual Tool”
Our planet is experiencing a shift in consciousness towards the higher frequencies of unconditional love, joy, peace, truth and harmony.
We wish to transcend some of the 3D physicality and hierarchical relationship structures of submissive/dominant to a more 5D conceptualization of sexuality. In this mindset, sexuality is a divine Union characterized by love, oneness, passion, desire and the freedom shared between two beings when connected to soul and spirit. Our offerings, rooted in spirituality, romance, love and passion is taking our members deeper in their sexual awareness.
At RawrWoman.com we aim to enlighten, entertain and empower. We are light workers paving the way for sacred sexuality. It is our goal to raise the vibrations of love and romance and ultimately facilitate the Ascension of our planet.
Please join us at RawrWoman.com and unleash the divine feminine and masculine within!
“Love is the journey of the Soul”
RawrWoman is focusing on the sophisticated nature of the female psyche, and the desire for a multi-layered stimulating experience.
We creates content that will entice, fascinate, and above all provide pleasure to the woman who indulges in all we have to offer.
Our goal is to appeal to the female audience’s senses. To create a place where you can find self-expression through the stories we devise, and let your inhibitions go.
RawrWoman is strengthened by captivating story content written by an outstanding writing staff from different walks of life, and with different sexual experiences and tastes. We know exactly what a woman wants in a lover or playmate.

Erotica for the Soul, Vol.1 Audio Book Therapy
(EFTS is short for Erotica for the Soul)
By Carol Love Leach, M.A.
Limited Licensed Psychologist
Individual and Relationship Psychotherapist.
As an individual and relationship therapist for 23 years, I am always on the lookout for new tactics to use with clients to move them towards their personal goals. Recently, I have been using a rather unique tool: Erotica for the Soul, Vol. 1 by RawrWoman Audiobook. Yes, you read that correctly….Erotica in audiobook form as a psychotherapeutic device.
Perfect for use in therapy
This delightful book was released about a year ago in paperback form on the heels of the popular “Fifty Shades of Grey” book series. Many of my clients excitedly read these books and consequently found themselves far more interested in sex and their relationships. This got me thinking that I could actually prescribe the books to read as homework for couples and individuals who needed a boost in their mood and relationship satisfaction. The RawrWoman book is perfect for use in therapy because it contains 14 short stories that reflect the top fantasies of women. They are quick to read and deliver an immediate boost in sexual interest. Erotica is a powerful tool in my work with women, because women respond more to emotional, rather than visual stimulation. The audiobook takes this to a new level with the undeniable power of the spoken word. The audiobook is appealing to both genders and perfect for listening to as a foreplay tool.

Explore Needs and Wants in a Relationship
Sex is inevitably a therapeutic issue in work with couples, whether it be due to inequities in desire; boredom, or the stresses of parenting and work negatively impacting intimacy. We know that women are very sexual, but their sexuality is accessed differently than men’s. Communication is key, and sometimes we need a little help discussing sex. Erotica provides an avenue to discover and explore needs and wants in a relationship. Women who read or listen to erotica have sex 75% more than women who don’t, and this is something that obviously benefits the men in their lives! Erotica, especially in audio form, can help to boost a lackluster sexual relationship. We know that women’s sexual response occurs in the order of arousal then desire, where the opposite as is typically the case with men. Audio Erotica is a perfect avenue to build arousal.
Improves relationships, intimacy and self-knowledge.
I have also found that erotica can help some individuals and couples work through sexual dysfunction by bypassing the fight or flight response that direct sexual contact may engender. By introducing some fun and entertainment, as well as a means to communicate about sex, some of the performance anxiety and anxiety triggers can be reduced. Erotica can help with general health too, as sexuality is an important aspect of overall mental health. At intake, I do an assessment of my clients level of satisfaction in the 8 core areas of life. Greater satisfaction in more of these core areas equals more life balance and overall mental health. My clients find that listening to the EFTS Audiobook not only increases fun/leisure time but also improves relationships, intimacy and self-knowledge.

Female Empowerment
Perhaps one of the most important ways that EFTS Audio book has helped my work with clients is in the area of female empowerment and improvement in self esteem, with or without a relationship. Women who are in are in touch with their sexuality and sensuality tend to feel sexier, more self confident and creative and this can translate to all kinds of benefits in their lives. They can be better lovers when they know what they like; better parents when they are personally fulfilled, and they can be better in the boardroom when they are rocking their self confidence.
Get the therapeutic advantage of EFTS Audiobook
Sexual release is also a great stress reliever (and teaching stress management is my bread and butter!) Audio books can be enjoyed in the car, on earphones in the gym or on an airplane making EFTS Audiobook an effective, efficient and private way to receive quality erotic content.
I am all for a product that increases pleasure, self-awareness and creativity. With the stress of the modern world, the collective mental health of our society will benefit from more products like EFTS Audiobook. Get yourself or a loved one a copy today, and get the therapeutic advantage of EFTS Audiobook!

Best Selling Erotic Book Provides C-A-R-E to Your Intimate Relationships
This delightful book was released about a year ago in paperback form on the heels of the popular “Fifty Shades of Grey” book series. Many women/couples excitedly read this book and consequently found themselves far more interested in sex and their relationships.
15 short stories that reflect the top erotic fantasies of Real women like YOU. They are quick to read and deliver an immediate boost in sexual interest. Erotica is a powerful enhancer for women, because women respond more to emotional, rather than visual stimulation.
The audio book takes this to a new level with the undeniable power of the spoken word. The audio book is appealing to both genders and perfect for listening to as a foreplay tool.
The short stories in “Erotica for the Soul, Vol.1” can be a new beginning for some; for those more adventurous and experienced in this genre it can be an excellent addition to your existing erotic literature library.
Our goal is to appeal to the female audience’s senses. To create a place where you can find self-expression through the stories we devise, and let your inhibitions go.
Who is RawrWoman? Though RawrWoman is written mostly by and for a female audience, it was conceptualized and manifested by Peter Hansen, one of those rare males who understand the sophisticated nature of the female psyche. His initial goal was to create a unique niche between polite society and the billion-dollar xxx industry. In addition, he is focusing on an arousing destination built with the woman in mind, a place for women to feel safe, while focusing on the desire for a multi-layered stimulating experience.
Peter acknowledges the fact that women have been suppressed by means of exploitation, lack of validation and the different gender specific needs when it comes to sexual fantasy and exploration.
By creating RawrWoman, it is important that Peter invited a community of women to support and create together, which he has provided for by the launch of the website and by publishing female authored erotic literature.
We create content that entice, fascinate, and above all provide pleasure to the woman who indulges in all we have to offer.
By Susan Kelejian
We females can be somewhat “complicated.” It’s perfectly fine to be this way; we just need to acknowledge who we truly are so we can return to our sacredness of being in what I call, “the authentic feminine.” This definition, in my lexicon, includes sexuality.
Expressed sexuality can be with a partner(s), or with oneself. By saying we can be complex in our nature, we tend to be sensual and sexual, and enjoy ourselves in an immersion of all senses. Women, in general, are less attracted to look at straight pornography and more prone to reading descriptive stories. That’s one of the reasons why I love well-written erotic literature.
Erotic literature can be a combination of fictional and factional stories that are intended for arousal. Through explicit language and that tell stories of fantasy, it can be a safe exploration of our imaginations, and something that we may never act upon or in reality want to happen to us. For example, one of the top erotic scenarios for women is to be overpowered and raped. While this is a perfectly acceptable fantasy since our imaginations will control the situation, it does not mean in any circumstance that we desire that in real life.
When language flourishes, erotic tales swerve and soar in and out of our bodies, allowing emotions to circle back into the here and now, with physiological connections of pulses, heartbeats, and sensations.
In popular psychology magazines, it was stated that women who read romance and erotica novels have sex with their partners over seventy percent more often than women who don’t, and that women who fantasize frequently have sex more often, have more fun in bed, and engage in a wider variety of erotic activities.
What are the shades of excitement that push the boundaries of the blurred inner lines between perversion and playfulness? Erotic literature is a difficult genre because of the nature of the beast itself we all come from such varied perspectives that what titillates the imagination is often on an individual basis. Conversely, there are themes that women have particularly found to be enticing, some that dance on the shadow side of our souls, others that are light and whimsical.
Erotic literature is nothing new: it has been around since…well, since people could write on papyrus. Poems in verse, lyrics, and short stories have survived since Ancient Greece. The Greeks believed that literature was both psychologically and spiritually important, making the sign above their library doors that read “a healing place for the soul” commonplace. After the printing press was established, censorship came into play because stories of erotica circulated at a much higher publication to the masses.
Arguably, one of the top female, if not the top female authors in erotic literature is Anais Nin, who broke the mold on how previously pornographic novels and short stories were penned. Coming out of the post-modernism surrealism movement and being able to utilize her writing strengths as part poetic, lyrical, magical realism, expressionistic, and one who wrote with a clear attention to emotions, thoughts, and psychological insights (particularly of women), Nin’s work in “Delta of Venus” and “Little Birds” can be synonymous with women’s erotica.
Noted as the foremost literary genius of our time, William Shakespeare wrote en explicit erotic poem of Venus and Adonis (where he compares the lovers as horses) and the Rape of Lucrece. Censorship often gives society a focus on the subject as taboo and therefore creates an often unwanted backlash of even more interest than if there wasn’t any censorship to begin with. It makes it half the fun of “being bad and getting away with it” which can be itself a turn on.
Reading erotic literature can be somewhere in the middle of societal taboo and personal excitement as we find ourselves peeking into a world that’s seductive and tantalizing.
What else comprises the authentic feminine? Part of this actualization is being able to use your voice without shame, blame, or guilt. Just by speaking aloud explicit words can be empowering. As a relationship therapist, I have found that a large percentage of adult woman have a hard time saying the name of their body parts, especially the vagina, cervix, lips etc. It sounds clinical, like something the doctor says. Women can feel embarrassed talking about it, discussing it, exploring it, where they like to be touched specifically etc. So how are we supposed to translate that to our partners and ask for our needs if we can’t even talk about ourselves in that way? Using erotic literature will allow us to slowly slide into the sensual world without feeling silly, or guilty.
We don’t need to deny the fact that we women are indeed, quite sexual. However, it’s true that women can and do approach and engage in sex differently than men. We like to feel, to experience, to have a connection of our heart/mind/and body. We need to feel safe before we can really explore, openly and fully. We also like to have fun, be adventurous and role-play. There are some women who can completely compartmentalize between love and sex, but not many, as we find that it is often intertwined.
So, enjoy. Treat this like a delicious yet exotically flavored cake that has all the taste and none of the calories, carbs, or sugars. It is exceptionally tasty and yet won’t do you any harm. Even if this sounds too good to be true, I bet you would want to try a slice. Bon Appetite!
Susan Kelejian lives in California with a slew of animals and one brilliant child. In addition to being a professional writer, she is an avid equestrian, mental health professional, theatre artist and educator. She loves word play, swordplay, and horseplay almost as much as foreplay. She’s thrilled to be contributing to RawrWoman and working with Peter, especially in the area of helping to facilitate women’s empowerment through steamy, sensual and sexually charged literature.
1) By Elizabeth Cane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
“Elevator Fantasy”
“My First Ménage a Trois”
“Stripper Fantasy”
2) By Skyler Knightley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
“Three is Trouble”
3) By Jessica Lucas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
“The Hammock”
“On Your Knees”
“Bend Over As Far As You Can”
“The Unforgettable Silver Capped Stilettos”
4) By Laney Oden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
“Horny and Stuck in My Car”
5) By JP Georges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
“Ever So Much Fun”
“The Lady of the Manor”
Included is 3 Personalized Erotic Love Letters, and a “How to Guide” you can use when you read and record it in your own voice, and get the full immersion experience with your lover…

Some of the Many Reviews from Our Loyal Amazon Customers (click below for more)

The Team behind RawrWoman™ is united by…
A love for creating content that changes people lives.
The belief that the free flow of ideas serves society.
We push media boundaries to drive real change.
The drive to create media on which we ourselves would spend our hard earned money and attention.
The RawrWoman™ Foundation's Brand Radiates Elegance, Style and High Quality, all of our content is created to entice, fascinate, and above all provide pleasure to the woman who indulges in all we have to offer.
- Peter Hansen
Visit RawrWoman’s profile on Pinterest.

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